Upcoming panel for LCDQ at Lee Stanton, May 9,2014
Looking forward to this upcoming panel for LCDQ moderated by Alison Clare Steingold, Design Editor of C Magazine and the recently launched C Home. C Home's inaugural issue is out now, an inspiring look at California design, interiors, and architecture. For those that have followed my personal path from design writer to interior designer, and my instagram fascination, they know this panel is one that speaks to my heart: communication. As Marshall Mcluhan once declared, "the medium is the m(e)assage!" See you there! - David John
LCDQ: La Cienega Design Quarter's 6th Annual Legends of La Cienega
Keynote: Express Yourselfie: Do We Design for Likes, Loves or Living?
Friday, May 9 11:00 - 12:00 PM
Lee Stanton Antiques 769 N La Cienega Blvd
Moderator: Alison Clare Steingold, Design Editor, C magazine and C Home
Panelists: Todd Nickey, interior designer Nickey Kehoe and author of The Inspired Home (Rizzoli); David John Dick interior designer, DISC Interiors and author of blog, Youhavebeenheresometime; and Shiva Rose, author of blog, The Local Rose .
This moderated panel explores whether online and social media like Instagram and Pinterest are playing into or even creating a new style of interiors. What are the pros and cons of documenting design? What is the ultimate reality on display? Followed by a book signing for Todd Nickey.
go here for more info....