and his visit to
Jean Cocteau's home.

I was lucky to receive some photos from Ivan Terestchenko detailing Jean Cocteau's newly opened home turned museum. Ivan's ability to "see" spaces, and feel them impresses me to no end. I'm honored to have crossed paths with him, and I've spent many late nights looking at these photos of Jean Cocteau's belongings and home.
I'm hoping to post some more images very soon,
along with an informal interview with Ivan, asking him about he discovered his drive for photography, and what interiors truly inspire him.
"Jean Cocteau purchased his home in Millyla- Forêt in 1947. He lived there for the last seventeen years of his life. Once he had attained success, Milly became a sort of refuge, far from society life. The irises and peonies, the fallen leaves and climbing ivy, the fruit trees in the orchard, the cats and dogs were always there for him.
The poet could come to rest, be with his companion, Edouard Dermit, welcome friends, read and write in the gardens, cross the two little bridges over the chateau moat and the river to go stroll in the park, work late in his office or his attic studio. Today, that house is intact thanks to Edouard Dermit, who, after Cocteau’s death, preciously preserved an exceptional inheritance that included antique furniture, objets d’art, works by Manet, Doré, Picasso, Bérard..."

"It's the house which was waiting for me. I am living in this retreat, far from the bells of Palais-Royal. It gives me an example of the absurd magnificent stubbornness of the vegetable kingdom. I rearrange the memories of former countrysides where I used to dream of Paris, as later I used to dream in Paris of taking flight.
The waters of the moat and the sunshine reflect on the walls of my room their false shimmering marbles. Everywhere spring is jubilant."
Jean Cocteau - La Difficulté d’être
The waters of the moat and the sunshine reflect on the walls of my room their false shimmering marbles. Everywhere spring is jubilant."
Jean Cocteau - La Difficulté d’être

15, rue du Lau 91490
15, rue du Lau 91490
Ivan Terestchenko
and his visit to
Jean Cocteau's home.