if squares melted.

at Regen

Liz Larner
April 24 - May 22, 2010

“Larner’s work carries the equally essential potential for glancing in its shifting between inner and outer realities… Larner’s glance is an instrument of perception, a machinery of becoming, constantly and simultaneously separating and dividing virtual and actual realities, perception and memory…Larner’s installations are composed of a multiplicity of glances that constitute the main pulse of the conceived environment, and as such they structure the sequences of newly born, passing images and impressions. Such dynamic composition is like glancing: sometimes shy, fugitive, short-lived and instantaneous, sometimes focused, concentrated, penetrating…”

-Adam Budak

(above image is from Liz Larner's previous body work..)
also at Regen Projects will be Catherine Opie...
