Perfectly banal, in the end, this paradox

the moon
my love."

"Often, when we pose our gaze to an art image we have a fortright sensation of paradox. What reaches us immediately and straightaway is marked with trouble, like a self-evidence that is somehow obscure whereas what initially seemed clear and distinct is, we soon realize, the result of a long detour - a mediation, a usage of words.

Perfectly banal, in the end, this paradox.

We can embrace it, let ourselves be carried away by it, we can even experience a kind of jouissance upon feeling ourselves alternately enslaved and liberated by this braid of knowledge and not-knowledge, of universality and singularity, of things that elicit naming and things that leave us gaping....

all this on one and the same surface of a picture or sculpture, where nothing has been hidden, where everything before us has been, simply, presented."

-Georges Didi-Huberman "Confronting Images"
taken from here..

the moon
my love."

lamps via
gae aulenti.