for those darkhorses.....

"Acquisition and use of these products are all part of a comprehensive program designed for interpersonal embetterment; The Jejune Method. This method addresses the subject on all scales; microscopic to macroscopic. On the macroscopic side, these products encourage general deconstruction of social modulation, resulting in a heightened probability for civic mutation."

scottt andresen
see more.....

emmanuelle pidoux

fette's gallery here...

jejune institute

What the Jejune Institute is most celebrated for today is the many advanced technological products and services they have brought to the global marketplace. Through the use of metaphysics, mind sciences, and other nontraditional systems, the Institute has developed an astonishing array of patents, all of which are designed to actualize the latent untapped capabilities of the human species.

octavio coleman

"Through the use of these products, coupled with meditation and study of spontaneity, benefits will include surging artistic libido, energy swell, dialectic perception, and neighborly conduct. "If the mutation is to occur it needs to be personally initiated, consciously brought about" says Octavio Colemen, Esq. "It happens on an intimate scale, in a thousand miniscule ways."