dark is coming
dark is there
see it shimmmer
into thin air  (james william hindle)

Dougall Paulson opens at AIR, now until July 31st.

Los Angeles decorative arts gallery, Therien, unveils “AIR” this month, a space devoted to championing emerging talents in 21st Century Design.  The inaugural show, “DARK MATTER” is a debut, site specific exhibit by Watts,CA–based design duo Sean Dougall and Andrew Paulson of experimental furniture and contemporary weaving.  Inspired by the luminous, chaotic energy of the cosmos—and the quiet serenity of its vastness, “this body of work," Dougall Paulson says, “engages the environment that surrounds it and encourages viewers to discover it on their own. We want to bring new meaning to the idea of space exploration.”   

Photo credit:  Brittni Moten
 Therien  716 North La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90069  

