But I’m not looking for an easy way out.
This whole life it’s been about 
try and try and try 
and try and try and try 
to be simple again. - Jason Molina

The haunting words of late singer Jason Molina, Songs Ohia and Magnolia Electric Co. still echo on the stero speakers and gain momentum as time fights forward. He was an exceptional talent - a musician, a poet, and vocalist that lost his life too early to alcoholism at 39 years old.   This afternoon on the way home from a meeting near the Pacific Ocean, my windows rolled down; I found myself gazing into the sea as my car headed south, back into town.  Keep your eyes on the road, dear ones. The path is often hiding, keep your eyes on the road, dear ones. We will eventually make it to the sea. - David John 

Cold was sharp across the high desert 
You and me in the secrets 
Once it must have been not only my heart on the rail 
once it must have been no hand was at the wheel that 
no hand was at the wheel. -

Jason Molina -  "no hand at the wheel"

photos are sourced from random tumblers.
photographer unknown.
