fucking trivial details man.
"There is a black which is old and a black which is fresh. Lustrous black and dull black, black in sunlight and black in shadow."
"Here and now I would be, I should be But how? I could have been One of these things first I could have been One of these things first." (nick drake)

the rectangle vs the square,
applaud the details man.
1. Rectangular dining table with frame in jacaranda and inset black underpainted glass top. Designed by Joaquim Tenreiro, Brazil, 1949. via R20th
2. "In the last ten years of his life, Reinhardt focused solely on square, black paintings. In his unpublished writings, the artist indicates that these pictures relate aesthetically to monotonal Chinese paintings rather than Western painting's concepts of light and dark. These canvases are intentionally enigmatic, painted to resist interpretation and to represent the beginning of a new way of seeing and thinking about art. In 1961, Reinhardt described them thus:
A square (neutral, shapeless) canvas, five feet wide, five feet high, as high as a man, as wide as a man's outstretched arms (not large, not small, sizeless), trisected (no composition), one horizontal form negating one vertical form (formless, no top, no bottom, directionless), three (more or less) dark (lightless) no–contrasting (colorless) colors, brushwork brushed out to remove brushwork, a matte, flat, free–hand, painted surface (glossless, textureless, non–linear, no hard-edge, no soft edge) which does not reflect its surroundings—a pure, abstract, non–objective, timeless, spaceless, changeless, relationless, disinterested painting—an object that is self–conscious (no unconsciousness) ideal, transcendent, aware of no thing but art (absolutely no anti–art)." (text image taken from here)