pt 3.
"delicate moments of uncertainty"

portrait of hands.
pt 3.
"delicate moments of uncertainty"
1. bettina buck, via Rokeby gallery, London....
2. lost and found props, new york....
"Buck’s practice is decidedly anti-modernist working with assemblage, collage and reconfigurations of existing, mundane, often found materials; regularly reclaiming industrial or industrially produced components. Materials and objects with traces of an alternative history and existence - carpet, found posters, aged foam, latex, plastic – are selected, re-imagined and combined to explore the limits of form, question notions of perception and re-interpret sculptural techniques and their art historical lineage.
Buck will often disrupt the encounter the viewer has with her work, carefully unsettling the physical experience or interaction with the work - hanging works at unusual heights or selecting work to sit uncomfortably together. Buck explores the works performativity and searches for what, in her words, “simultaneously attracts and alienates the viewer, for work which raises questions rather than presents answers”. Throughout her practice Buck presents delicate moments of uncertainty. "
via rokeby london....