These numbers are
a futile attempt to capture
fleeting moments.

"I generally make things that advertise the way I feel — or celebrate things I have chosen to have meaning. My work takes the form of posters and t-shirts and incorporates text from books, song lyrics and found images I collect. (These pieces of information may express something that I'd like to share or reveal how I'd like the world to work.) In order to anchor the feelings or thoughts first evoked by the texts or images, I often add dates and times as part of my designs.
These numbers are a futile attempt to capture fleeting moments.
The prints I have made here are unique — but say the same thing. I am interested in graphic design, and I have used the simple exercise of rearranging elements on a page to figure out which layouts work. Ultimately though, this is of no real consequence. If the final placement means something to me, then it does, and if not, then it doesn't. The same thing goes for the words. In a way, the information on the print meanders — aimlessly and idly. "
Marc Hundley
These numbers are
a futile attempt to capture
fleeting moments.
Element Editions here..